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Video Journalism

I did some interviews and took pictures of the march against #Brexit. One of the most massive. Europeans supporters demanded the stoppage of the process of separation of the European Union and the new referendum.

Realicé algunas entrevistas y tomé también algunas imágenes sobre la marcha contra el #Brexit. Unas de las más multitudinarias hasta el momento. Europeos y británicos exigieron la paralización del proceso de separación de la Unión Europea y un nuevo referéndum.

Octubre, 2019.

October, 2019.

Filmed and edited with a mobile/cell phone to be uploaded in different social media

I was interviewed for canal 10 of Mar del Plata to talk about "report on meat consumption in the city of Mar del Plata" from the research work that we made from the Observatory of the city of the University FASTA.


Proposal of a television program for the city of Mar del Plata.


I was interviewed in the Politics and production program to talk about "the view of tourists in Mar del Plata" from the research work that carries the same name and we made from the Observatory of the city of the University FASTA.


Interview with Mirou Tavárez Mirabal (daughter of one of the Mirabal sisters, heroines and banners of feminism in the Dominican Republic and Latin America) within the framework of the 14th Latin American and Caribbean Feminist Meeting (EFLAC) held in Uruguay at the 2017 for the international policy portal, Summary of the South.

Coverage of the launching of the new political front, Unidad Ciudadana, by Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, held in the city of Mar del Plata in 2017 for the news agency Cubana, Prensa Latina Televisión.

Coverage of the international March "Not one less"(Ni una menos)

Coverage of the 3rd National March of the "Ni Una Menos" in the city of Mar del Plata for the Cuban News Agency, Prensa Latina.

Informe Aniversario guerra Malvinas

Informe audiovisual por el aniversario de la guerra de Malvinas para la agencia de noticias Cubana, Prensa Latina Televisión.

Interviews on the street

Interviews on the street to find out what people think about the withdrawal of the suspensions of Messi games by the AFA for the news agency Cubana, Prensa Latina Televisión.

Talk to different personalities of the artistic environment for the channel 7 news program of Santa Clara del Mar, 2014.

Repasa brevemente la historia de la escuela y como llega al día de hoy, desde una mirada crítica y analítica.

Participan especialistas y profesionales del tema, como el Sociólogo Emilio Tenti Fanfani, Profesionales de la Fundación Cimientos, entre otros.
Para la materia Periodismo televisivo, 2011.

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